Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Further Mutations

Mini Mess Something Something…I forget what number I’m on…
15x12x5—5/2007—cotton duck & Top Gun Poly
I need to come up with a snazzy name for this size of bag—something that fits into the laboratory aesthetic. I’m thinking Loup-Garou…’cause, you know, werewolves hang out in labs, fo’ shore. Though, maybe I should spell it phonetically…Loogaroo…hmm…
So, I got the cotton canvas on eBay and the seller said it has a water-resistant finish…but of course they lied. So now I’m thinking it’s gonna shrink when it gets wet. Nuts. Pictures to come when that happens.
I think this design is almost done. I just need to clean up the side compressors a bit and some other small things and that should be it.
I forgot to put the back pad in this bag. I forget something every time. I am dumb…ha.I took the D-ring off of the side-release buckle on the shoulder strap. I’ve been having slippage problems with the seatbelt webbing…and I want to continue using this type of webbing. So, minus two coolness points. It’s still super easy to adjust both ways, though. Zing.
The belt loops changed into a belt tube. I think this is stronger and…well, maybe not more comfortable, ’cause you get scrunching…but it has better load-distro and strength. More corner-reinforcement to come. I’m probably only going to put this on the Trunk-size bags since this bag already has a cross strap—aka the tummy strap (a la BagJack)…but we’ll see.

oh, p.s. Leif Labs has a website now. It's basically a link to this blog...but things could change...ha.


  1. I agree -- we should all be making things! Your details are fantastico.

  2. Have you given any thought to trying to scotch guard the un-waterproofed cotton?
