Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Sneak Peek

Oh boy.


  1. Cylinder bed!! Oh man, I've been lusting after one of those for a couple of years. Congratulations - that's a beauty.

  2. Thanks, Adam.
    Yeah, I've been compulsively looking at cylinder-bed machines for the last two months. I still have to shuffle some things around in my tiny work space, but I'm excited. This thing is a work of art.
    More photos when it's set up.

  3. Very nice! A cylinder bed is next on my list. What kind did you get?

  4. Hey Dude,
    It's a Pfaff 335 with synchro binder.
    I still haven't set it up yet...been busy with other things + I have to build a table for it. Sometime soon I hope...

  5. Oh wow, that's a nice one. Where did you get it? That's what I want one for, to set up as a dedicated binder. I have the same right-angle binder as you and I was going to use it on my 1541-S but the feed dog wouldn't fit. I may fab up a mounting solution to use the binder on my Consew 2043 (Singer 20u clone) but I wonder how well that would work since it isn't a walking foot.

  6. Dude,
    I bought it from Zamir in California...though it was drop shipped from the Pfaff distributor in Georgia (so anyone can probably get one). Zamir seems like a real nice guy and his prices are good. I also bought a right-angle binder from him. It should be a little nicer than my first one--the throat on that one was a bit too wide, so I had trouble binding curves. It's great for straight stuff, though.
    Yeah, the feed dog for that binder was kind of a tight fit on my 241...
    The 20U's not really a champion feeder, but I guess it'd be worth a try. Good luck!
