Isn't that exciting?
These are simple wallets/coin pouches that slip inside themselves to close (we're gonna call that the origami fold), which is pretty neat. They also have a loop for keys or a lanyard or whatever lucky charms you want to hang on your wallet.
$13 shipped (anywhere). Or two for $20 (also shipped). If you want more than that, let me know and I'll give you a quote.
The wallets are made from two pieces of fabric: a one-piece shell, and an inside divider.
So you get to choose two colors. (And the only binding color I have for these right now is black.)
Send me an email at with what you want. And I'll say okay I can do that, and then you send me some money via PayPal. Easy as that.
These are most of the colors I have (off the top of my head) in 1000d Cordura nylon.
(If you want me to send you a random color, I might use some Sunbrella acrylic for the inside.)
If you don't see the color you want and you think I should carry it, lemme know and I might order some next time I buy fabric.
Blue (navy &royal)
Light grey
Green (light olive)
Blaze orange
Pumpkin orange
Digicam (light and dark)
Light bronze
I also have some cotton duck you can choose from (these'll soak up water, be advised):
Carhartt brown
Dark brown
Dark green (like a black forest)
And some waxed cotton! in dark brown, which would make a pretty sweet wallet, I think.
Or you can get a random wallet of my choosing. I'll try not to make it too ugly. Ha.